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Guide | Debug Mode

Turning on debug mode will log internal Compose operations and performance metrics to your console. This is useful when:

  1. Debugging slow performance.
  2. Debugging issues where Compose does not execute a method call, or otherwise behaves unexpectedly.

You can always join the Discord server to talk to engineers on the team - we're happy to help, and want to make sure you get the most out of Compose.

Enabling debug mode

To enable debug mode, pass debug: true to the Client constructor.

const client = new Compose.Client({
apiKey: "...",
apps: [/* ... */],
debug: true,

Understanding the logs

Debug mode will produce logs that look like this:

Send websocket message event | INITIALIZE | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.314Z
Browser event | Start app execution (route: mega-test) | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.384Z
Page event | add (fragment: page header) | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.385Z
Page add (fragment: page header) event | Compressed layout in 0.02 ms | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.434Z

Each message breaks down into three parts:

  1. Event type
  2. Abbreviated event information
  3. Event timestamp

Event types

There are five event types:

  • Browser event: Represents a message received from the browser (e.g. a button click).
  • Send websocket message event: Represents a message sent to the browser (e.g. render some UI).
  • Page event: Indicates that a page method was invoked (e.g. page.add(), page.modal(), etc.).
  • Page add event: Logs the internal operations performed to prepare a UI fragment after invoking page.add().
  • Page update event: Logs the internal operations performed to prepare a UI update after invoking page.update().

You'll likely only need to inspect some of these logs depending on the issue you're trying to debug.

Debugging slow performance

When debugging performance issues, you mainly want to understand which UI fragment (i.e. which page.add() or page.modal() function) is slow to render or re-render.

First, you can add a key parameter to these functions, which will be reflected in the logs.

page.add(() => ui.text("Hello, world!"), { key: "hello-text" });

page.modal(() => ui.text("Hello, world!"), { key: "hello-modal" });

Debug page.add()

If the issue is the initial rendering of a fragment, you should look at the page add events. For example:

Browser event | Start app execution (route: test-app) | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.384Z
Page event | add (fragment: hello-text) | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.433Z
Page add (fragment: hello-text) event | Generated static layout in 48.71 ms | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.434Z
Send websocket message event | RENDER_UI | 2025-02-09T02:40:32.434Z

These logs tell us:

  1. When the app was first executed.
  2. When the page.add() method was invoked.
  3. How long it took for the layout model to be generated.
  4. When the processed UI fragment was sent to the browser.

From this, we can figure out:

  • If there's a large delay between app execution and page.add() being invoked, there's likely some logic prior to page.add() in your handler function that's slow to execute.
  • If the layout model generation is slow (>100ms), then the issue lies within the actual UI components that are passed to page.add(). This usually happens when there's business logic (e.g. db queries, data transformations, etc.) embedded within the components. You should always pre-process data outside of the page.add() method.

For other issues, you can join the Discord server to talk to the engineers on the team.

Debug page.update()

If the issue is slow re-rendering when you call page.update(), you should look at the page update events. For example:

Page event | update | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.286
Page update (fragment: hello-text) event | generated new layout in 0.20 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.288
Page update (fragment: hello-text) event | validated layout in 0.01 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.288
Page update (fragment: hello-text) event | generated diff in 0.10 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.288
Page update (fragment: hello-modal) event | generated new layout in 0.07 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.288
Page update (fragment: hello-modal) event | validated layout in 0.00 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.288
Page update (fragment: hello-modal) event | generated diff in 0.05 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.289
Page update event | computed page diff in 13.08 ms | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.301
Send websocket message event | Rerender UI V2 | 2025-02-09T10:58:14.301 // the event name may be slightly different depending on the SDK

These logs tell us:

  1. When the page.update() method was invoked.
  2. How long it took to generate a new layout, validate it, and generate a diff for each UI fragment.
  3. How long the entire update algorithm took.
  4. When the rerendered UI was sent to the browser.

From this, we can figure out:

  • Which fragments are responsible for the slow update. Often, the issue is a single fragment that's much slower than others.
  • For that fragment, if the layout generation is slow (>100ms), or the diff generation is slow (>100ms).
    • If the layout generation is slow, the issue lies within the UI components that are passed to page.add() or page.modal(). This usually happens when there's business logic (e.g. db queries, data transformations, etc.) embedded within the components. You should always pre-process data outside of the page.add() method.
    • If the diff generation is slow, the issue is usually within the size of the UI fragment (e.g. a PDF, very large table, etc.). In this case, you can try reducing the size of the fragment by paginating your table, using smaller PDF files, etc.

Debugging other issues

For other issues, you can use the logs more generally to see what's going on. For example, ensure that page methods are being invoked, that the proper websocket messages are being sent, that browser messages are being received, etc.