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Guide | Style Your App

Compose allows you to style your apps as much or as little as you want.


To start, you can control the entire color palette of your apps by passing a theme argument to the Compose.Client constructor.

import { Compose } from "@composehq/sdk"

client = new Compose.Client({
apiKey: "your-api-key",
apps: [<your-apps-here>],
theme: {
primaryColor: "#03045e",
backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
textColor: "#000000",

The theme will be applied to all the apps registered to that Client.


Compose offers a collection of layout components for grouping and arranging components on the page. Components can be nested to quickly build complex layouts.

page.add(() => ui.card(
ui.button("btn-id", { label: "Add" }),
ui.button("btn-id", { label: "Edit", appearance: "outline" }),
ui.button("btn-id", { label: "Delete", appearance: "danger" })

Internally, layout components use a familiar flexbox model for arranging child components and expose positioning parameters to let you fine-tune the layout. You can find out more in the API reference.

page.add(() => ui.row(ui.text("I am centered"), { justify: "center" }))
page.add(() => ui.stack(
ui.text("I am on the right"),
ui.text("I am also on the right")
{ align: "end" }

App defaults

You can edit a variety of the page level defaults such as the content width, spacing between components, and more.

See page config for more information.


If needed, every Compose component can be granularly edited using the style property, which allows you to directly style components using CSS.

import { Page, UI } from "@composehq/sdk"

async function handler({ page, ui }: { page: Page, ui: UI }) {
page.add(() =>
ui.textInput("email", { style: { "width": "20rem", "fontSize": "24px" } })

Full list of styles:

// size
width: string;
height: string;
minWidth: string;
maxWidth: string;
minHeight: string;
maxHeight: string;

// margin
margin: string;
marginTop: string;
marginBottom: string;
marginLeft: string;
marginRight: string;

// padding
padding: string;
paddingTop: string;
paddingBottom: string;
paddingLeft: string;
paddingRight: string;

// overflow
overflow: "visible" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "auto" | "clip";
overflowX: "visible" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "auto" | "clip";
overflowY: "visible" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "auto" | "clip";

// color
color: string;
backgroundColor: string;

// borderRadius
borderRadius: string;
borderTopLeftRadius: string;
borderTopRightRadius: string;
borderBottomLeftRadius: string;
borderBottomRightRadius: string;

// border
border: string;
borderTop: string;
borderBottom: string;
borderLeft: string;
borderRight: string;

// text align
textAlign: "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "start" | "end";

// font
fontSize: string;
fontWeight: string;

// gap
gap: string;

// display
display: string;

// position
position: "static" | "relative" | "absolute" | "fixed" | "sticky";
top: string;
right: string;
bottom: string;
left: string;
zIndex: number;

// flex
flex: string;
flexGrow: number;
flexShrink: number;
flexBasis: string;
flexDirection: "row" | "row-reverse" | "column" | "column-reverse";
flexWrap: "nowrap" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse";
| "flex-start"
| "flex-end"
| "center"
| "space-between"
| "space-around"
| "space-evenly";
alignItems: "stretch" | "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "baseline";
| "auto"
| "flex-start"
| "flex-end"
| "center"
| "baseline"
| "stretch";
| "flex-start"
| "flex-end"
| "center"
| "space-between"
| "space-around"
| "stretch";
order: number;

// grid
gridTemplateColumns: string;
gridTemplateRows: string;
gridTemplateAreas: string;
gridAutoColumns: string;
gridAutoRows: string;
gridAutoFlow: "row" | "column" | "dense" | "row dense" | "column dense";
gridColumn: string;
gridRow: string;
gridArea: string;
columnGap: string;
rowGap: string;

// transform
transform: string;
transformOrigin: string;

// transition
transition: string;

// opacity
opacity: number;

// cursor
cursor: string;

// box-shadow
boxShadow: string;

// outline
outline: string;
outlineOffset: string;

// visibility
visibility: "visible" | "hidden" | "collapse";

// white-space
| "normal"
| "nowrap"
| "pre"
| "pre-wrap"
| "pre-line"
| "break-spaces";

// word-break
wordBreak: "normal" | "break-all" | "keep-all" | "break-word";

// text-overflow
textOverflow: "clip" | "ellipsis";

// line-height
lineHeight: string;

// letter-spacing
letterSpacing: string;

// text-decoration
textDecoration: string;

// text-transform
textTransform: "none" | "capitalize" | "uppercase" | "lowercase";

// vertical-align
verticalAlign: string;

// list-style
listStyle: string;

// background
backgroundImage: string;
backgroundSize: string;
backgroundPosition: string;
backgroundRepeat: string;
backgroundAttachment: string;

// filter
filter: string;

// backdrop-filter
backdropFilter: string;

// resize
resize: "none" | "both" | "horizontal" | "vertical";

// user-select
userSelect: "none" | "auto" | "text" | "contain" | "all";

// pointer-events
pointerEvents: "auto" | "none";

// content
content: string;